Hey all...
So...between working two jobs and...sleeping...I haven't updated in forever, but it is Christmas break at school, which means that I at least get a break during the day. Now I only have to deal with grumpy, impatient and rude last minute shoppers for the next 3 days and grumpy, impatient and rude gift returners the day after :D Yay!!! LOL...no really, I get some great customers and some interesting stories at work and I really do like it...it's just a bit hectic to say the least!! Of course, you might notice I have no pictures of my Christmas decorations or anything...I do have a tree and lights in the window and stockings and all that...but Jade chewed a hole in the lights on the tree and Davy kept me from killing her outright, so we still have three cats and I DON'T have any pictures of my BRAND NEW now NOT pre-lit Christmas tree...it was pretty though. So...does anybody want a cat for Christmas??? I really have had a great time so far this year...the parties at school were so much fun. It is always great to be around kids during the holidays, so much excitement!! I went with Davy to his families Christmas get together and gift exchange and we had a blast. I haven't gotten all of my shopping done just yet, but then what's Christmas without some last minute shopping. Anyhow, I just wanted to update anyone who reads...although I don't think there are that many...I need to get ready for work now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
I was pretty tired of the old layout...boring!!! Thanks mom for the tip about templates!!! I hope this looks better...I certainly think so. I like butterflies...and not just because it's a girl thing or something...they mean something. At least they do to me...and that is Change. Butterflies are a symbol for change...the perfect icon for a work in progress...and they are beautiful. If you know me well...then you know I believe this strongly enough to have one such butterfly permanently tattooed on my body...inside a delta symbol (aka a "triangle") that is the greek (and mathematical) symbol for...you got it: Change!! Well...not everybody gets it, but that's not my problem. Butterflies mean something more than short-lived, winged caterpillars to me...and that's that ;)
I was pretty tired of the old layout...boring!!! Thanks mom for the tip about templates!!! I hope this looks better...I certainly think so. I like butterflies...and not just because it's a girl thing or something...they mean something. At least they do to me...and that is Change. Butterflies are a symbol for change...the perfect icon for a work in progress...and they are beautiful. If you know me well...then you know I believe this strongly enough to have one such butterfly permanently tattooed on my body...inside a delta symbol (aka a "triangle") that is the greek (and mathematical) symbol for...you got it: Change!! Well...not everybody gets it, but that's not my problem. Butterflies mean something more than short-lived, winged caterpillars to me...and that's that ;)
Last...but not least: MOVING!!!!
Craziness!!! That's all I have to say about moving!
"Unpacking"...He wasn't really packed in there, but he sure did have fun playing in it after I emptied it ;) (ps...thi is a rather contored Tilly)
As soon as I make the bed, Tilly likes to get under the covers...
This is the old bed, but he does the same thing on the new one...when we first got in and brought him to the apartment the silly thing would actually worm himself BETWEEN the mattress and box...strange, but I guess he was just overwhelmed by the new and unfamiliar place...at least he hasn't tried that in a while now.
Pan...he just had his claws removed last week and got fixed, now we just need to find him a good home!!! He is on the couch we found on Craigslist...
We just got a new bed two days ago!! It is awesome...and huge. None of my blankets really fit, but we are making do until I can find something affordable...or Christmas...or something else...whichever comes first :D

HA...yeah right!!! When have you ever known me to be so short and sweet!!! LOL!!!
Well, less than two weeks after ACL I packed up all my stuff and moved it up to my parents...and a week later, I moved it all again...to our new apartment in North Richland Hills. "Our" being...Davy's and mine. Sara moved in with our grandparents in G-town. We got a nice place. It is bigger than the apartment Sara and I had before and we are paying quite a bit less, which is nice...especially since I do not have a job yet...ugh!!! To anyone who thinks not working sounds nice...you are WRONG!!! It is boring and annoying and irritating and depressing...need I go on??? Well, I have applied for several jobs...got one offer...lost it because I was doofy and managed to loose my driver's license (long story, don't wanna go there...I figure I just wasn't meant to have that job and I am leaving it at that). Now I am waiting to hear from Kohl's where I will probably get something at least part time...and just today I talked to a very nice woman from an elementary school in BISD and I applied for an Aide/Assistant position and I have an interview Monday morning...YAY!!! I am very happy about this...as I have been about every interview, but I really do want to get in with a school district, because...
For those of you who don't know, I am applying for the Alternate Certification Program that region 11 offers for those who have their bachelor's degree but no teacher's certificate. Yes, I know now I would have been smarter to get my certficiate when I was still in college...hindsight's 20/20, blahblahblah...
Two and a half years ago I knew this...and I still wouldn't have done it. I hadn't the patience or the proper perspective to teach for the right reasons right after I got my degree. I did NOT want to be one of those teachers who only got into teaching because it was the easiest thing to do...or for any reason except that it is what I WANT to do. I have thought about it long and hard and taken the time to see that of all the things I have done, or could do...teaching is what I love the most and what I really WANT to do.
I love science...and it is what I want to give to the world. I want to help the kids that hate it and encourage those that might or do love it. At the very least, I want to try to be that science teacher that inspired me...there were several.
Anyhow...we have been in the apartment for two weeks now and it is "mostly" put together...

We have two cats right now...and my baby, Jade will come and live with us as soon as we find a new home for Pan, the kitten Davy rescued last year. Right now, Jade is living with my parents (and Gidget and Lucy) and I really appreciate their help in keeping her so long!!! I miss her though...I hope I can bring her here soon!!! Tilly is the other kitty that will be staying here and he is cute and sweet, but occasionally fiesty.

We just got a new bed two days ago!! It is awesome...and huge. None of my blankets really fit, but we are making do until I can find something affordable...or Christmas...or something else...whichever comes first :D

I guess that is all for now...I am all caught up. I will be sure to post again soon though...hopefully with some good news about a job!! I hope this satisfies everyone since I have not posted in so long...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ACL 2008!!!
Austin City Limits Music Festival...
You pay for the tickets a year in advance...before you even know the lineup...
You sit, stand, walk, eat, and nap out in the hot sun for three full days...paying outrageous prices for food and beverages...and inhaling smoke, dust and God knows what else being kicked up by the constant movement of thousands of feet...
And it is ALL worth it!!! (IMO)
I don't know more than a few of the bands...and of those I know some only by name, but it is just a great experience!! If you like to hear new things and all different sounds, it is great! If you want just country...or rock...or whatever you hear on the radio...go somewhere else, I guess. I love ACL because there is such a variety there...and it therefore draws such a variety of different fans. People watching is a great part of the whole weekend. Of course, the music is the best part. There is also lots of free stuff...like a tent where you can get spray on tattoos and crazy hair-dos...and then there are the merchandise tents with cd's and tshirts...and the shopping area where local vendors sell their products. It is an altogether great experience, even if you are too tired to move by Sunday evening...
Here are a few pics from the weekend
A few of our group...just hanging out!
And a couple of my crazy hair-do on Sunday...
It was a great time...and yes, we have already bought our tickets for next year!!
Let's see...
it's been a while and...what the hey...I will try to get all caught up today. So...where did I leave off??? Oh yeah, just before vacation time!!
Well, Davy and I made it there and back safely...obviously. We had a ton of fun and unfortunately I don't have most of the best pictures because he has some on his camera and his cousin has some on her's and Maddy has some on hers too...so, for now here are a few from my camera...let's see, here are: one of the old wooden escalators at the Macy's (THE, I should say)...a pic of Davy outside the show we went to see, Avenue Q (yes, it is indeed puppets for adults)...a view down a street in Little Italy...a couple of Fur Seals having their teeth cleaned at the Central Park Zoo...and the life sized Blue Whale hanging in the Hall of Oceans at the American Museum of Natural History.
We were in Jersey for five days and although we didn't get to everything we had hoped, we still had a lot of fun!! We saw Lady Liberty and were a bit to crunched for time to get off the ferry and explore Ellis Island...we already have a list of things to do next time we are up there though :D The day we spent with Davy's cousin in south Manhattan and Brooklyn was probably the best...it was certainly the most eventful and exhausting. We started out the day in line at the TKTS booth in southside seaport for over an hour to get tickets to Avenue Q...and it rained on us. Then we met Meg and decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and check out the Promenade and go get pizza at this place that was supposed to be really awesome. About a third of the way across the bridge...it started pouring again, lol. Needless to say, I have only been that wet outside a shower a couple of times...but it was a very memorable experience!! We finally got across the bridge and the line to get into the pizza place was long so we got some ice cream (yes, despite the fact that we were soaking wet and cold!) and walked the promenade and got to see some really great architecture. When we got back to the pizza place, the line was still long but we were hungry so we thought it was worth it...so about 2 hours later, maybe more, I would say we had some of the greatest pizza ever...I know that will always be debated, but to everyone who wants to preach the greatness of chicago style pizza to me, please know I do NOT like that much sauce on my pizza!!! Anyway, after the pizza we made it back to Manhattan and walked around checking out the local dives...bars, clubs, shopping...and NYU campus (very nice) and then the most awesome and wonderful thing in the world: The Strand, a used book store 4 floors and something like 18 miles worth of bookshelves (yeah, I know I'm a nerd...no need to remind me). For dinner we ate at this cool Organic food restaurant...I can't even describe it, but the food was absolutely amazing!!!! I will have to try to go back to this place the next time I am there, although the name escapes me at the moment. The rest of the trip was just more sightseeing and eating great food...it is probably the best vacation I have ever had and I am glad that Davy got to meet my dad and brother and sister and aunt. We hope to get back up there sometime...I would like to take him in the winter, but we will see.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I know...it's been forever!!
So...um, yeah. I can't say I have been extraordinarily too busy...I just haven't gotten around to updating, that's all...no excuses!! On the upside...I have a lot of news, but at the moment very few pictures and none uploaded at the moment so you will have to wait for pics...On to the News!!!
So...next Wednesday, July 30th, Davy and I are leaving out of Austin to go visit my dad in Jersey and do the touristy thing in NYC!!! Yay!!! I am so excited!! I got Davy Yankees tickets for his birthday and he is really looking forward to it as well. We will be up there for 5 days and we will surely do as much as we possibly can in those 5 days! If any of you have souvenir requests...you know, I (heart) NY shirts, cups, hats, etc...knock off designer purses or sunglasses...or whatever, just let me know ;)
In other news...Davy will start his new job sometime in the middle of August!! I am so happy for him...and for me too, since that means I am now looking for a job up in the metroplex so that I can move up there and we can be together (you know like most couples prefer!!) Um...so far, I have applied to one job and am in the process of filling out a really long application for another. They are both pretty cool jobs, IMO anyways...and I am hopeful that I will at least get an interview...please cross your fingers for me, or whatever...I would appreciate it!!
I guess that is all for now...I am sure there is more that I am just forgetting right now, but you all know me...forgetful should be in my name somewhere!!! If I think of it, I will add it on later! I will also try to get some good pics to put up on here...until then, Love Ya-B
So...next Wednesday, July 30th, Davy and I are leaving out of Austin to go visit my dad in Jersey and do the touristy thing in NYC!!! Yay!!! I am so excited!! I got Davy Yankees tickets for his birthday and he is really looking forward to it as well. We will be up there for 5 days and we will surely do as much as we possibly can in those 5 days! If any of you have souvenir requests...you know, I (heart) NY shirts, cups, hats, etc...knock off designer purses or sunglasses...or whatever, just let me know ;)
In other news...Davy will start his new job sometime in the middle of August!! I am so happy for him...and for me too, since that means I am now looking for a job up in the metroplex so that I can move up there and we can be together (you know like most couples prefer!!) Um...so far, I have applied to one job and am in the process of filling out a really long application for another. They are both pretty cool jobs, IMO anyways...and I am hopeful that I will at least get an interview...please cross your fingers for me, or whatever...I would appreciate it!!
I guess that is all for now...I am sure there is more that I am just forgetting right now, but you all know me...forgetful should be in my name somewhere!!! If I think of it, I will add it on later! I will also try to get some good pics to put up on here...until then, Love Ya-B
Monday, April 21, 2008
Spring...and stuff

I love spring!!! I love flowers...and it makes me sad that I am so ridiculously incapable of growing them!!! Fortunately, others are quite good at it...and there happen to be some BEAUTIFUL Amaryllis blooming in one of the little landscaped sections by the building right next to ours...every time I see these flowers they make me happy and I walk around that side of the building just to see them!!! Maybe it is silly that I get so much enjoyment out of simply flora...but I don't mind!! I took some pictures of them to share too...
I also got my hair colored and cut a couple weeks ago...with the extra money I had from not having to pay rent this month...YAY!!! I'll put a pic up that shows some of the color...
Well, that about wraps it up for now...I love spring!!
Well, that about wraps it up for now...I love spring!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Woohoo...I am such a procrastinator!!!

You don't need to tell me...I know!!! Well...here I am posting...and I have even gotten all my pictures uploaded, organized and ready to go!! We had Sara's 19th birthday party a few weeks ago and between myself and Wyatt there are plenty of good, if not completely relevant, pictures!! We all (18 of us total) gathered at The Cheesecake Factory, where the food is amazing and the cheesecake is even better!!! It was a great time and I think Sara really enjoyed it which is the most important part.
You don't need to tell me...I know!!! Well...here I am posting...and I have even gotten all my pictures uploaded, organized and ready to go!! We had Sara's 19th birthday party a few weeks ago and between myself and Wyatt there are plenty of good, if not completely relevant, pictures!! We all (18 of us total) gathered at The Cheesecake Factory, where the food is amazing and the cheesecake is even better!!! It was a great time and I think Sara really enjoyed it which is the most important part.
The last three weeks have been pretty busy for me. I took over the foreman position on the crew I am on at work. It doesn't mean much...but it is a bit more responsibility and since I am eager to prove myself I am glad to take the opportunity. I got to see Davy a lot between his visits down here and mine up there and that is always great!! I also talked to my dad about the possibility of meeting him somewhere this summer for a bit of a vacation...which probably means I need to work on getting my passport finally!! All in all, things are going pretty well...and I am hoping they get even better. I will keep taking pictures and get some more on here soon!
Friday, February 29, 2008
A new computer!!
Yay...I got a new computer last sunday with my tax refund money...and it is awesome!!! Tomorrow the Geek Squad person is coming to transfer all the stuff I want from my old one to this one and I should finally be able to put some new pictures up on here so that is cool!! I will try to get some good ones on here soon!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I got tagged...
By my MOM!!!
Places I want to go:
1. Greece...my latest obsession
2. The West coast, especially the Redwood forests and the Cascade Range and the coastal hwy
3. Morroco
4. Kokomo...ever since I was a little girl, I blame this on the Beach Boys
5. Northern New York state, Niagara Falls and such...
I like to eat:
1. Pizza...especially the Pizza Place
2. Chocolate...in just about any form
3. Ice Cream
4. Pineapple
5. Italian...pasta, etc...
My play list contains:
1. The Beach Boys
2. George Strait
3. Paramore
4. Flogging Molly
5. Rascal Flatts
I buy clothes at:
1. Kohl's
2. JCPenny
3. Wal-Mart
4. Target
5. Old Navy...although not really anymore
I watch these TV shows:
1. Survivor
2. CSI (Las Vegas)
3. Jericho
4. Wildfire
5. Kyle XY...this one just recently, since Heroes is temporarily stalled :(
Things I like to do:
1. Hanging out with friends
2. Camping
3. Going to the movies...any movie, I just like going
4. Swimming...just being in the water
5. Seeing Davy!!!
Places I want to go:
1. Greece...my latest obsession
2. The West coast, especially the Redwood forests and the Cascade Range and the coastal hwy
3. Morroco
4. Kokomo...ever since I was a little girl, I blame this on the Beach Boys
5. Northern New York state, Niagara Falls and such...
I like to eat:
1. Pizza...especially the Pizza Place
2. Chocolate...in just about any form
3. Ice Cream
4. Pineapple
5. Italian...pasta, etc...
My play list contains:
1. The Beach Boys
2. George Strait
3. Paramore
4. Flogging Molly
5. Rascal Flatts
I buy clothes at:
1. Kohl's
2. JCPenny
3. Wal-Mart
4. Target
5. Old Navy...although not really anymore
I watch these TV shows:
1. Survivor
2. CSI (Las Vegas)
3. Jericho
4. Wildfire
5. Kyle XY...this one just recently, since Heroes is temporarily stalled :(
Things I like to do:
1. Hanging out with friends
2. Camping
3. Going to the movies...any movie, I just like going
4. Swimming...just being in the water
5. Seeing Davy!!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Updates and Goings-On...
Well, No...I still don't have any new pics...but quite frankly, I don't think my computer could handle the downloads and uploads at the moment. Yay for getting my taxes done and getting a new computer very soon!!! This one is like my baby, the first big purchase I ever made...I will keep it till it dies...which will hopefully be a while once I have saved it the hassle of itunes and pictures. Anyhow...I got to see Flogging Molly a week ago at Stubb's and it was SOO much fun!!!! I loved it!! This weekend, I am being good and sticking around home so I can be on call for work, but next weekend...I will head to good old Alvarado to see my mom for her birthday and do something for V-day with Davy. Woohoo...I got almost six hours OT on my last check, so I think I am going to go spend some of that tomorrow...but it will be a surprise!! That sounds fun anyways...and keeps me from sitting around all day. I kind of hope we get a call this weekend...I like OT. Or at least the extra money. Well, that's that for now...maybe I will take a couple pictures...and if that doesn't totally freak my computer out, I will try to post them. We'll see...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
HA...so, :-P
NO...I haven't uploaded my pics...but I made some changes. We had fun in San Antonio for my birthday and nearly froze downtown waiting to ring in the New Year!! Then, they got mixed up on the countdown and we were totally surprised by it...hahaha...it was fun!! So...I am 24 now...I don't feel any older...I don't even feel that old. No complaints!!
I got my Ipod!! YAY...it is great, and soon I will be bugging everyone to bum their cd's so I can put more music on it!! I also got some other great gifts that I really love...earrings, a necklace, fun socks and smell good things among others. I need to get off of here now and sleep a bit...I hope everyone is doing well.
I got my Ipod!! YAY...it is great, and soon I will be bugging everyone to bum their cd's so I can put more music on it!! I also got some other great gifts that I really love...earrings, a necklace, fun socks and smell good things among others. I need to get off of here now and sleep a bit...I hope everyone is doing well.
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