Thursday, October 23, 2008

Let's see...

it's been a while and...what the hey...I will try to get all caught up today. So...where did I leave off??? Oh yeah, just before vacation time!!
Well, Davy and I made it there and back safely...obviously. We had a ton of fun and unfortunately I don't have most of the best pictures because he has some on his camera and his cousin has some on her's and Maddy has some on hers, for now here are a few from my camera...let's see, here are: one of the old wooden escalators at the Macy's (THE, I should say)...a pic of Davy outside the show we went to see, Avenue Q (yes, it is indeed puppets for adults)...a view down a street in Little Italy...a couple of Fur Seals having their teeth cleaned at the Central Park Zoo...and the life sized Blue Whale hanging in the Hall of Oceans at the American Museum of Natural History.

We were in Jersey for five days and although we didn't get to everything we had hoped, we still had a lot of fun!! We saw Lady Liberty and were a bit to crunched for time to get off the ferry and explore Ellis Island...we already have a list of things to do next time we are up there though :D The day we spent with Davy's cousin in south Manhattan and Brooklyn was probably the was certainly the most eventful and exhausting. We started out the day in line at the TKTS booth in southside seaport for over an hour to get tickets to Avenue Q...and it rained on us. Then we met Meg and decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and check out the Promenade and go get pizza at this place that was supposed to be really awesome. About a third of the way across the started pouring again, lol. Needless to say, I have only been that wet outside a shower a couple of times...but it was a very memorable experience!! We finally got across the bridge and the line to get into the pizza place was long so we got some ice cream (yes, despite the fact that we were soaking wet and cold!) and walked the promenade and got to see some really great architecture. When we got back to the pizza place, the line was still long but we were hungry so we thought it was worth about 2 hours later, maybe more, I would say we had some of the greatest pizza ever...I know that will always be debated, but to everyone who wants to preach the greatness of chicago style pizza to me, please know I do NOT like that much sauce on my pizza!!! Anyway, after the pizza we made it back to Manhattan and walked around checking out the local dives...bars, clubs, shopping...and NYU campus (very nice) and then the most awesome and wonderful thing in the world: The Strand, a used book store 4 floors and something like 18 miles worth of bookshelves (yeah, I know I'm a need to remind me). For dinner we ate at this cool Organic food restaurant...I can't even describe it, but the food was absolutely amazing!!!! I will have to try to go back to this place the next time I am there, although the name escapes me at the moment. The rest of the trip was just more sightseeing and eating great is probably the best vacation I have ever had and I am glad that Davy got to meet my dad and brother and sister and aunt. We hope to get back up there sometime...I would like to take him in the winter, but we will see.

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